Wednesday, October 20, 2021

DEFENCE MECHANISM in mental health

 Defence mechanism in mental health


    1. Projection: A person attributes  his own feelings and wishes to another individual because of intolerable inner feeling or painful affect .

eg.Student who copies thinks that all or healthy

  1. Primitive Idealization: External objects are viewed as “all good” or “all bad” and are aunty elastically enclosed with great power

  1. Spitting: external objects  are divided into  “all good” and “all bad” accompanied  by  abrupt  shifting  of an object from one extreme  category  to the other.

  1. Denial: This defence is used to avoid becoming aware of some painful aspect of reality

  1.  Distortion:  external reality is grossly reshaped to satisfy inner needs.


    1. Acting out:  the individual expresses and unconscious wish for impulse through action to avoid being conscious of the  accompanying effect.)

 Example:  getting angry with a nurse ( actually to doctor)

  1. Hypochondriasis: Reproach  arising from loneliness or unacceptable aggressive  impulse towards others is transformed into self-reproach with complaint of pain somatic illness and neurasthenia

                    c. Introjection:  internalization of the qualities  of an object and obliteration  distinction                                 between the subject and the object

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