Showing posts with label projective techniques. Show all posts
Showing posts with label projective techniques. Show all posts

Thursday, October 21, 2021







The use of vague, ambiguous unstructured stimulus objects or situations in which the subjects “projects” his or her personality, attitude, opinions and self- concepts to give the situation some structure

Uncover  feelings , beliefs, attitudes and motivation which many consumers find difficult to articulate.

Discover the person’s characteristic modes of perceiving his or her world and how to behave in it.

Enter the private worlds of subjects to uncover their inner perspectives in a way they feel comfortable with.

Practical approach of Projective techniques

Ø  A way of transcending communication barriers.

Ø  Design and structure of projective techniques

Ø  Types of projective techniques

Ø  Analysis and interpretation of data

Ø  Positive and negative of projective techniques

A way of transcending communication barriers

              Not always share their inner most feelings.

Unaware of their underlying motives, aspiration, values, and attitudes.

Fear being considered irrational (or) stupid.

Reluctant to admit to certain types of behaviour. Tend to offer answers that are socially acceptable and stereotypical in an interview situation

Instead of questioning them directly. In talking about a third party an object, the subjects project their convert feeling to the third party or object.

              Low literate consumers

              Children and adolescents

              Impulsive/ compulsive/ addictive buyers

              People in the face of catastrophe Hurricane Katrina

Design and structure of projective techniques  

The more ambiguous a stimulus, the more the subjects will project their emotions, motives, attitudes and values

1.       Structured stimuli : Answer “T” or “F”

2.       Ambiguous stimuli

3.       Semi – ambiguous picture and sentences completion techniques



Types of projective techniques

1.       Association

2.       Construction

3.       Completion

4.       Expressive

5.       Choice ordering

1. Association


Ø  The subjects are presented with a stimulus and they respond by indicating the first word, image or thought elicited by the stimulus.


Ø  Consumer vocabulary

Ø  Brand personification

2. Construction


Ø  The subject is asked to construct a story or picture from a stimulus concept


Ø  Build a story around each picture, what led to it and what may happen in future

Ø  Present opinions of other people’s actions, feeling or attitudes.

3 Completion


Ø  The subject is given an incomplete sentence, story, argument or conversation and asked to finish it.


Ø  Brand mapping

4 Expressive


Ø  A subject is asked to role -play, act draw or paint a specific concept or situation


Ø  Focus on the manner in which the subject constructs some things, rather than on what it represents.

5. Choice Ordering


Ø  A subject has to explain why certain things are “most important” or “least Important” or to “rank” or “order” or “categorize” Certain factors associated with a product brand or service

Positive and negative of projective techniques



The amount of richness and accuracy of the information


A view of the overall functioning of individuals


“Breaking the ice” in a focus – group discussion

The complexity of the data and the corresponding skills


Expressive to administer


Sampling & Generalization


The reliability of measures



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