Wednesday, October 20, 2021


Coordination Test

  1.  Finger to nose

    1.  shoulder abducted 90 degree - Elbow extended

  2.  Finger to  therapist  finger\

    1. Sit opposite each other

    2.  index finger

  3.  finger to finger

    1.  Both shoulder abducted to 90 degree with elbow extended

  4. Alternate nose to finger

    1.  Alternately touches the tip of his or her nose And the tip of the therapist finger

  5.  Finger opposition

    1.  the patient touches the tip of the thumb to the tip of each finger in sequence

    2.  speed may be gradually increased

  6.  mass grasp

    1.  An alternation is made between opening and closing fist ( from finger flexion to full extension)

  7.  pronation /supination

    1.  Elbow flexion 90 degree and held it close to body

    2. The patient alternately turns the palm up and down

    3. Shoulder 90 Degree and elbow extended

    4.  Gradually increased

  8.  Rebound test

    1. The patient is positioned with the elbow flexed

    2. The therapist give resistance

    3. Suddenly released

    4.   contraction in elbow extensor

  9.  Tapping (hand)

    1.  Tap the hand alternatively

    2.   Use both the hand

  10.   Tapping ( foot)

    1.  Tab  both legs alternatively

  11.  Alternate heel to toe, knee, heel to toe

    1.  Supine  position

    2.  Touch the knee and big toe  with opposite extremity

  12.   Toe to examiner finger 

    1.  Supine position

    2.  touch the great toe  to examiner’s finger

  13.  heel to chin

    1.  Supine position

    2.  The heel of one foot is slight up and down the chin of the opposite lower extremity

  14. Drawing a circle

    1.   Figure 8 pattern

    2.  I en air with upper extremity

    3. Lower extremity supine position

  15.  Fixation or Position  holding

    1. Upper extremity:  the patient hold arms horizontally in front (Sitting or standing)

    2.  Lower extremity: The patient hold the leg  in extension in sitting 

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