Monday, October 25, 2021

types of rewards for ADHD children



Daily rewards

·     Snacks

·     Desserts after dinner

·     Staying up X minutes beyond bedtime

·     Having a bedtime story/reading with a parent for X minutes

·     Choosing radio station in car

·     Extra bathtub time for X minutes

·     Choosing family T.V show

·     Talking on phone to friend(local call)

·     Video game time for X minutes

·     Playing outside for X minutes

·     Television time for X minutes

·     Listening to radio/ stereo for X minutes

·     Other as suggested by child

Daily or weekly rewards

·     Going over to a friends house to play

·     Having a friends come over to play

·     Allowance

·     Bike riding/ skating/ scootering/ skateboarding (in neighbourhood for daily reward: longer trip with family or bike rewards)

·     Special activity with mom or dad for X minutes

·     Earn day off from chores

·     Game of choice with parent/ family

·     Other as suggested by child

Weekly rewards

·     Making a long distance call to relatives or friends

·     Going to the video arcade at the mall

·     Going fishing

·     Going shopping / going to the mall

·     Going to the movies

·     Going to the park

·     Getting ice cream

·     Bowling, miniature golf

·     Selecting something special at the store

·     Making popcorn

·     Having friend over to spend night

·     Choosing family movie

·     Renting movie video

·     Going to the fast- food restaurant with parent and or family

·     Watching taped T.V shows

·     Other as suggested by child

Older children could save over weeks to get a monthly (or longer) reward as long as visual (eg. pieces  of picture of activity) are used;

e.g., camping trip with parent, trip to baseball game, purchase of a videogame cartridge.

Rewards for an individual child need to be established a a menu. Children may make multiple choices from the menu for higher levels of reward, or may choose a longer period of time for a given reward.

 Sample school rewards

·     Free time for X minutes

·     Talk to best friend

·     Listen to tape player (head phones)

·     Read a book

·     Help clean up classroom

·     Clean the erasers

·     Wash the chalkboard

·     Be teacher’s helper

·     Eat lunch outside on a nice day

·     Extra time at recess

·     Write o chalk board

·     Use magic markers

·     Draw a picture

·     Choose book to read to the class

·     Read with a friend

·     Care for class animals

·     Play”teacher”

·     See a movie/filmstrip

·     Decorate bulletin board

·     Be messenger for office

·     Grade papers

·     Have treats

·     Earn class party

·     Class field trip

·     Student of the day/ month

·     Pop pocorn

·     Be a line leader

·     Visit the janitor

·     Use the computer

·     Make ice cream sundaes

·     Teach a classmate

·     Choose stickers

·     Take a good note home

·     Receive a positive phone call

·     Give lots of praise

·     Hide a special note in desk

·     Choose seat for specific time

·     Playing card games

·     Receive award certificate

·     Take polaroid pictures

·     Draw from “grap bag”

·     Eat at special table

·     Visit the principal

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